Sunday, February 13, 2011

An introduction to EITRP

Modern Information Technology (IT) departments create, consume and manage a variety of resources. These individually include data, people, processes and infrastructure; collectively this includes the connections between these individual components. IT today is primarily about enabling the core business of a company, be it manufacturing, software development, oil and gas exploration or car sales. Each IT organization at these various types of firms has the same primary focus of enabling the business and its leadership to be successful in how they lead, transform and delivery on their core business.

Enterprise Information Technology Resource Planning (EITRP) is a new paradigm within computing to enable all resources related to IT to be articulated, modeled and documented in a single, consistent syntax. This enables strategic planning within an IT department and its relationships with the business needs that it supports for the rest of the corporation. EITRP is a new set of standards being developed for the purpose of articulating the resources managed by an IT organization and how those relate to and affect the policies and processes critical to execution of a companies' core business function.

The potential for this consistent syntax is that IT organizations can standardize how they communicate information about all IT resources throughout the management chain. This standard method of communication will enable leaders at all levels to simulate changes to one portion of the environment or one resource and see how that change will affect the related components, resources and processes. This simulation and modeling capability will allow faster time to market and more rapid deployments within IT by fully understating how and change will ripple through and organization.

This is the first of multiple postings about EITRP. Future postings will outline the tiered structure of EITRP, the syntax for documenting a corporations' environments and the formulas for consistent calculation of costs, changes and modifications to the resources within an environment.

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