Monday, May 4, 2009

Balancing Security and Productivity – Part 4 of 4

Proxy Internet Connections

Companies often look to proxy servers as a method to monitor and block harmful traffic from their networks. Proxy servers provide a gateway between company networks and outside networks to ensure that all connections are logged, filtered and denied per company policies. Proxy servers can present a challenge because they can often slow access for staff, and inadvertently limit access to sites that are authorized, but may initially appear unauthorized to the automated tools limiting access.

  • Open Internet Access – Open internet access is allowing staff unrestricted connections from a corporate network to the outside world; these connections are free from any proxy servers, bandwidth restrictions or other traffic filters. While this can allow for maximum ability for the staff to conduct their jobs, the question must be asked, is this too much access? When a network allows that level of connectivity going out, there is inevitable risk that confidential information could be transmitted out of the company with little or no record of the event.

  • Limited Internet Access – Outside access can be limited by a variety of methods including blocking specific ports, utilizing proxy servers or utilizing other network traffic monitoring solutions. When used correctly, these tools can not only prevent company confidential information from being inappropriately transmitted outside the company, but they can also provide a solid audit trail in the event an investigation is needed. The trade off is that staff's performance will be affected by possible slowdowns due to the overhead of the tools as well as the potential that the traffic being blocked or targeted does have a requirement for conducting business and an employees productivity will be affected adversely.

In part 1 of this discussion we asked the question; how balance allowing employees to access company data with a personal device that connections to proprietary company information? The answer will ultimately be different for every company. But there are some common criteria that will be consistent across all solutions:

  • Consistency of security policies - It is critical that just when a staff member is using a personal laptop, the security policies are not being compromised for this benefit. This means that personal systems must adhere to the same policies for storage of company data, use of virus scanning applications and use and storage of company passwords.

  • Centralization of storage – By utilizing central, company controlled storage, it allows the information technology (IT) department to ensure all company data is regularly backed up, archived and available in the event of laptop or mobile device loss. There are many tools on the market that can automatically replicate data from remote devices to a company managed data center. This ensures data is always available, regardless of the type of device connecting or ownership of the device.

Finding the proper balance of security and productivity is a complicated, dynamic process for both the end users and those forming company policies. Any company today must ensure that they have the proper IT resources at their disposal to do their job and that those tools are open enough for staff to utilize in the most efficient way, but closed enough that propriety or otherwise confidential data is not put at unnecessary risk. All risks have a potential downside and all functionality has a potential benefit, both of which can be expressed in dollars. It is important to ensure that the balance of that risk and benefit is on the side of benefits, and that the risk is not so great as to cause harm to your company.

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